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Photo Editing

Skip the shipping, wait, worry, and hassle of sending your knives to the studio (See my Photography services), and just send your own knife images, for me to be turned into professional knife photos.

Smartphone photos work just fine, you don’t have to take great photos for this to work. 

Santoku Chef knife by Anthony Topham

Single Angle Image


  • Photos are taken slightly down and to the side (left or right) (not straight above).
  • Get as close to the knife with the camera/phone as you can without cutting/cropping the knife off.
  • The makers logo is visible.
  • Even / diffuse lighting (overcast day, shaded area, or lightbox), without too many areas that are pure black dark or pure white light.

Price: R100.00

DavidHoelher 2anglephotedit | Topham Knife Co

Double Angle Image


  • Same as above.
  • Focus on the parts of the knife you want to highlight.
  • Try and get most of the image in focus but especially try and get the area you’d like to highlight in focus. 
  • Try different angles and send all of the photos so I can pick the best.

Price: R200.00

FrancoisMassyn 3Angle | Topham Knife Co

Tripple Angle Image


  • Same as above.

Price: R250.00

Sending Photos

Send as many photos as you can.  The more photos I have to work with the better.  I like to have many options to choose from and to use in the final image.

Make photos are sent without getting resized (highest resolution possible) so make sure to send the original, unedited photos/files.  RAW, DNG, NEF, CR2, JPG are all fine.

Wait Times

Generally, it takes about 1 week to complete an order once payment is received and scheduled. Feel free to ask about the current wait time before ordering as well. If you need something done fast I may be able to fit it in so don’t hesitate to ask.

Visit the Contact page to make an order or ask any questions if the below info doesn’t answer something or if you still have questions.